
OneConnect February 1st - February 28th, 2019 Release Notes

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Key Enhancements:

This release of OneConnect is packed with series of new enhancements to existing integration and a couple bug fix.  There are enhancements that help with performance when a user is performing a sync in OneAnalytics to SQL Server in additional new strategies were added which allows user to sync different data types into SQL Server and as well as delete specific projects from the database that was deleted in Project Online.  Additional OneConnect enhancements for OnePlan to PjO was added to this release as well.  Features such as being able to populate custom user fields on update/create of a plan in OnePlan.

Enhancements / New Integrations
Key Enhancements Description
3055 OneAnalytics - Improve performance during Project Site List download
3056 OneAnalytics - Ability to execute Stored Procedures via Schedule/Strategy
3068 OneAnalytics - Ability to remove 'deleted' projects or SharePoint list items from database
3073 OneAnalytics - Ability to include Timesheet or Engadgement related data via Strategy
3047 Able to retrieve custom user fields in OnePlan as email value
3048 Able to populate custom user fields on update/create of a plan in OnePlan other than the OOB "Owner" user field
3051 Able to mapped YesNo field in OnePlan plan level field on create/update
3074 Able to retrieve "Expense Type" field related to its Cost Type from OnePlan
3037 Account lookup field only synchronize the accounts that are related to its entity
3053 Able to retrieve user field as email value from an item in SharePoint list
3054 Able to retrieve lookup field value as text from an item in SharePoint list
Total Number of Enhancements: 11

Known Issues and Problems

Key Known Issues/Problems Description
3050 If title of the item is changed in another system, SP takes it as a new item which create duplicate in SP
3081 If S-Now has more than 10000 user, some of the users are not found.
Total Number of resolved Known Issues/Problems: 2
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